
Carbon and Captivity. Regi: Oliver Ressler. Østerrike/Sveits/Norge 2020. Engelsk tale, engelsk tekst. 4K DCP, 33min.

Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Code Rood. Regi: Oliver Ressler. Østerrike 2018. DCP, 14min.

CiB x Entrée

Carbon og Captivity (scroll for English synopsis)

Carbon og Captivity er en film delvis innsplit på teknologisenteret Mongstad (TCM) rett utenfor Bergen i sommeren 2019, hvor karbonfangst og lagring har blitt utført på et eksperimentelt nivå siden 2012. Filmen stiller fundamentale spørsmål om demokrati: Hvem styrer det globale klimaet? Hvem har teknologiske, økonomiske og politiske midler til å gripe inn i/endre klimaet? Hvordan kan det avgjøres om en stat burde få lov til å påvirke klimaet, når denne innflytelsen sannsynligvis vil få effekter andre steder?

Etter filmen blir det spørsmålsrunde med regissør Oliver Ressler.

Filmen ble laget med hjelp av Entrée og fikk støtte fra Kulturrådet og Stadt Wien.


For decades, nation states and politicians have proven unable to decarbonize the economy. Oil corporations have funded climate change denial for a quarter century while their own scientists plied them with proofs of disaster. At a moment when most people feel the effects of climate change in their own lives, oil corporations have changed their strategies and are now pushing for the generalized use of technological procedures that would allow them to continue extracting oil.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is presented as technofix to prevent catastrophic global warming. The idea is to extract carbon dioxide in the refinery process and to transport and store it in sub-seabed formations. But CCS remains a relatively immature technology: investigations in 2013 showed cracks in North Sea seabed rocks where carbon was stored in field tests. This suggests the likelihood of leakage and the release of carbon into the atmosphere. The technology also requires a huge amount of energy and is therefore far too expensive to be applied on a meaningful scale.
The world’s largest facility for testing carbon capture technologies on an industrial scale is the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), 67 km north of Bergen in Norway. This film was recorded there. TCM has operated since 2012 and is a joint venture between the Norwegian state, Equinor, Shell and Total.

The appeal of CCS for the fossil industries lies in the huge new subsidies it promises. The oil and gas should be left in the ground and a fully funded transition to a post-oil economy begun immediately, but the large-scale introduction of CCS would delay the necessary decarbonization, deepening our dependence on the fossil fuel industry. The film’s title refers to humanity’s “captivity” within the logic of capitalism, which seems to carry extractivism onward to the point of no return.

“Carbon and Captivity” is structured in four chapters, introducing various perspectives through spoken voices. The film interweaves shooting at and around Technology Centre Mongstad with a tour through the site, a poetic-political narration text and a dense sound design.

There will be a Q&A with the filmmaker after the screening.


Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Code Rood

Filmen skildrer sivil ulydighetsaksjonen ”Code Rood” i Amsterdams havn i juni 2017. Blokaden av Europas nest største kullhavn trekker en rød strek mot denne viktige infrastrukturen for fossil kapitalisme. Den største enkeltkilden for utskiping av kull er Colombia, hvor kullet blir utvunnet under økologisk og sosialt katastrofale vilkår.

Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Code Rood er del av Resslers pågående prosjekt som følger kampene mot et selskap som er avhengig av fossilt brensel. En spesiell takk til Egbert Born, Chihiro Geuzebroek og Matthew Hyland.


The film highlights the civil disobedience action “Code Rood” in the port of Amsterdam in June 2017. The blockade of Europe’s second-largest coal port draws a red line against this important infrastructure facility for fossil capitalism. The largest single source of the coal shipments is Colombia, where coal is extracted under ecologically and socially devastating conditions.

Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Code Rood is part of Ressler’s ongoing project that follows the struggles against a fossil fuel-dependent economy. Special thanks to: Egbert Born, Chihiro Geuzebroek, Matthew Hyland.

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